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Fixed Dentures (implant supported)

Fixed Dentures (implant supported)

Many patients wearing dentures frequently complain about a lack of confidence in smiling and eating due to the worry that their dentures will move or worse, fall out. This can be made worse where there are not enough remaining teeth to help fix and hold a denture in place.

The latest proven solution is to use dental implants to hold dentures firmly in place. Implant dentures can immensely improve chewing ability, stability and help prevent bone loss and promote denture comfort.

Comfort can increase as the denture itself can be much smaller than a conventional denture. No longer will you experience ‘gagging’ from the whole of your palate being covered.

In addition, as the denture can also gain support from your gums only half the number of implants are needed to support the denture when compared to a partial implant bridge, which can have provide a significant saving in costs.

Costs for dentures can vary tremendously according to your circumstances but generally starts from £1,750 and can be paid for in easy monthly terms using our interest free finance plan options.

Contact us or call 020 8577 3038 for a no-obligation consultation now.

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